Letters: Time to Get Tough

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I agree with the opinion in the Jewish Exponent, “It’s Time for Jews to Toughen Up” (Feb. 1).

At our synagogue, we arranged to have a self-defense session by a local Krav Maga school for the children in Sunday school. Hopefully, they will never have to use it, but I believe it gave many of them confidence that they didn’t have previously.

Peter Whitman, Glen Mills


  1. Krav Maga? Jewish children should all have a gun safety class, and then practice shooting various weapons weekly, as if in a bowling league. Upon reaching legal adulthood, all should be strapped, and ready to respond to the onslaught of thugs and Jew haters. Such training should include legal training. The current government protects the thug, and will arrest the victim defending self., especially the Jew.


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