Letter: Article Struck a Chord

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Thank you for the wonderful article about my dear friend, Elliot Rosen, one of our great leaders in the Philadelphia Jewish community for more than 50 years (“Funeral Home Director Brings Grandfather’s Book to Life, 75 Years After His Death,” Dec. 14).

I especially enjoyed the mention of Rosen’s book, “Inheritance.” When I bought and read the book, it brought back memories of my grandparents coming to America. I regret that I was too young to talk to them and learn about our family’s life in Russia, but Rosen’s Zayda taught me. Reading “Inheritance” and learning about Israel Rosen’s time in Russia made me feel like I was in the shtetl with my family and suffering with them.

Like Rosen’s Zayda, my family’s ship docked at Washington Avenue and lived in South Philadelphia. I now understand why so many Jews lived there and why there were so many small synagogues there.

Frank Brodsky, Wynnewood


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