Kvetch 'N Kvell

Letters: Extra Evidence Needed, GOP Kool-Aid

Emet is a strong Jewish value, as is refraining from lashon hara.

Kvetch ‘N Kvell: On Students, Exponent Sale, More

I agree with Samuel Abrams (“High School Should Be Upsetting,” March 3); students must be exposed to a variety of ideas.

Kvetch ‘N Kvell

With Matt Nosanchuk, who needs enemies?

Kvetch “N Kvell: Thanks, ‘Maus,’ More

I would like to express my appreciation for the coverage by the Jewish Exponent of developments within the community.
Closeup of letters on writing desk at home

Kvetch ‘N Kvell: Sagat Obit Misses, Educator Responds

As I perused the Jan. 14 Jewish Exponent, I saw the full-page obituary for Bob Saget.

Kvetch ‘N Kvell: Marking 50

I was delighted and proud to see so many of our local colleagues highlighted in Jarrad Saffren’s article.

Kvetch ‘N Kvell:

I read with interest your front-page article about Yiddishists seeking community.

Kvetch ‘N Kvell: Jews as Racism Victims

The initiative of the Center for Jewish Ethics on race and racism in American Jewish experiences would be remiss if it does not address the history of racial discrimination targeting Jews.

Kvetch ‘N Kvell: Archbishop Message, Cash Bail a Folly

I extend sincere and prayerful best wishes as you celebrate the great Festival of Lights.

Kvetch ‘N Kvell: Fate of JWV

I am a Jewish veteran and longstanding proud member of a JWV post in the metro Philadelphia area.