
Lag B’Omer Celebrations Go On Despite Challenges

For the second year in a row, those who celebrated Lag B’Omer dealt with obstacles both commonplace — iffy weather — and extraordinary (you...
Group of students, two girls and two boys posing

Penn Commencement on Shavuot Sparks Petition

Nearly 1,600 people signed a petition urging the University of Pennsylvania to change the date of commencement for the class of 2021. Set for May...
Author's headshot, wearing white shirt

What It’s Like to Celebrate Passover in Prison

By Christopher Blackwell Over the past few years, I have been honored and blessed to experience — with good friends — some Jewish traditions and...
Seder held by HIAS for newly arrived immigrants, New York, circa 1910

Passover, Pandemic Create Eating Disorder Challenges

As the Jewish community approaches another pandemic- era Passover, staff at the Renfrew Center, a national network of eating disorder treatment facilities, are working...
young woman and man in black and white photo

Tales of Leaving Egypt Resonate at Passover

“In every generation,” we read during the seder, “a person must regard himself as though he personally had gone out of Egypt, as it...
a bottle of kosher Manischewitz wine being poured into a wine glass

9 Fine Kosher Wines That Work Well for Passover

Elyse Genderson  Each Passover, the list of fine kosher wines seems to get longer. The customary four cups of wine during the seder allows for...

From Yemenite Soup to Brazilian Cheese Puffs, Passover Recipes Show Diversity of American Jewish...

Every year at Passover, families rejoice in reenacting both religious and cultural tradition — reading from the worn family Haggadah, using the seder plate...