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Alli Barash Continues Family Legacy at Camp Saginaw

On campsaginaw.com, Alli Barash, the camp’s director, wrote, “I have never felt more at home than I do at camp.” “Every day, I feel so...

On Purim, How Can We Channel Our Inner Esther During Difficult Times?

In the ancient Achaemenid Empire, Jews faced annihilation. King Ahasuerus’ evil vizier Haman had convinced the king of the rightness of this policy. To thwart...

JE Podcast: AJC Africa Institute Director Wayne Sussman Discusses Jewry in Africa

Wayne Sussman is the American Jewish Committee’s Africa Institute director. He joined the JE Podcast to discuss two big topics: Jewry in Africa and...

Art Installation at the Weitzman Illuminates Hostages Still Held by Hamas

More than 200 people were taken hostage by Hamas on Oct. 7. Their faces are now on the walls at the Weitzman National Museum of...

JE Podcast: Rabbi Jay Kornsgold Discusses Conservative Judaism Today

Rabbi Jay Kornsgold is a Philadelphia native and the spiritual leader of Beth El Synagogue in East Windsor, New Jersey. This month, he will...

Ahead of Upcoming Concert, Matisyahu Discusses Pro-Israel Stances Amid Security Threats

Matisyahu, the Jewish musical artist, released a new album, “Hold the Fire,” on Feb. 2 and is on a 34-city concert tour. But his recent...

Financial Aid Requests Increasing at Overnight Camps

According to the Foundation for Jewish Camp’s 2023 report on the state of Jewish camping in North America, “families are requesting more financial aid...