Miriam's Advice Well

From dating to parenting, Miriam welcomes all questions. Posted every Monday.

Dear Miriam | Playground Interaction Causes Consternation

 At the playground recently, my kids and I ran into a family we are friendly with.

Dear Miriam | Job Stress Presses on Mother

I’ve developed a proposal to change my job to a higher-level position that I am excited about, but I worry if the board says yes I won’t actually be able to follow through.

Dear Miriam | How Do You Deal With a Politically Divergent Uncle?

I have an uncle that I really love, even though our political views are polar opposites.

Dear Miriam | Cash-hoarding Tween Worries Parents

I recently discovered that my 12-year-old has been hanging onto her allowance, earnings from watering neighbors' plants and years of birthday cash and just has it all sitting in her room.

Dear Miriam | Baking Neighbor Seeks Feedback

I have a neighbor who is still deeply invested in her pandemic baking hobby ...

Dear Miriam | Unequal Holiday Policy Poses Problems

I take off work for all the Jewish holidays where one isn't allowed to work. My manager has told me I can take them using personal time.

Dear Miriam | Should Mosquitoes Stop Sukkah Invites?

I have a sukkah, and many of my friends don't.
shofar next to siddur

Dear Miriam | Zoom Yizkor Poses Potential Problems

Our Yom Kippur plans involve Zooming into services from home while our kids play in the background.
shofar next to siddur

Dear Miriam | To Go or Not to Go?

I thought my Rosh Hashanah plans were settled a few weeks ago.

Dear Miriam | Name Stirs Discomfort, Raises Questions

I recently went to a drive-thru window to pick up coffee while out of town, and the person who served me had a nametag that read "Kike."