My 20th Anniversary in Zionism: A Brief Look Back, a Sustained Look Ahead

Steve Feldman

By Steve Feldman

What does it mean to be a Zionist today?

What is it like to be a proponent of a movement; a cause; an idea that international media, Jew-haters and others would lead one to believe is despised throughout most of the world — although you know that it is a righteous and noble movement, cause and idea?

These are questions to consider as I have reached my 20th anniversary as a “professional Zionist.”

It was July of 2002 when I began working for the Zionist Organization of America. BDS had yet to be unleashed; the destructive, anti-Jewish tactic of “intersectionality” was still the positive “coalition-building” that helped Jews and our allies; anti-Zionist/anti-Israel activities and rhetoric were unwelcome on most American campuses and in Congress; and efforts to weaken and delegitimize Israel and Zionism from within Jewry were rare and its practitioners were outcasts.

Theodor Herzl’s dream that there would be an internationally recognized Jewish state where one had existed millennia ago and where it must be located again — known as political Zionism — had been fulfilled on May 14, 1948 when Israel declared its independence, but the Zionist mission was not completed.

I was determined to see to it that Zionism — the liberation and social justice movement for Jewish self-determination in a nation of our own in our rightful homeland — thrive and be perpetuated, and that support for Israel and Jewish communities throughout Israel be strong and secure.

My determination continues and, in many respects, the persistence of opponents of Zionism, Israel and Jewry has compelled me to be at least as persistent.
Imagine crossing the finish line of a race — only to be told that the finish line has been moved further away again and again, so you must keep running or pedaling, swimming or driving. This is the frustration every Zionist faces. In short:

The territory for a restored Jewish homeland promised by world powers and then by the League of Nations was reduced by 78% (to create what became the Arab kingdom of Jordan) — with continuing demands to reduce Israel further to create a Palestinian-Arab state in Israel’s midst.

Israel survived Arab wars of annihilation waged against her in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973, plus nonstop Palestinian-Arab murders and terrorism. Ongoing campaigns to weaken and delegitimize Israel and to deny Jewish history and rights are pervasive in media, education, governments and within international bodies and forums.

The United Nations voted that Zionism is “a form of racism and racial discrimination.” Though this despicable lie was revoked, efforts to eliminate Zionism and Israel continue.
Looming is the existential danger of Iran developing nuclear weapons, with its vow to “wipe Israel off the map.”

Israel is the only country where world leaders and politicians to this day feel compelled to announce “I support Israel’s right to exist” as though it is still in doubt.

It is clear to see why a Zionist’s work is never done.

This work must include proactively stating clearly what Zionism actually is; what Israel is; how the two are intertwined; and that both are essential to the Jewish People and the Jewish religion.

The Jewish people have a heritage to be proud of and rights we must exercise; Zionists have a history to be proud of; Israel has a list of achievements and efforts to improve the world that is unparalleled given its tiny size, relative newness and persistent threats.

It is essential that this information reach all Jewish eyes, ears, hearts and minds to rebuild Jewish unity on Israel and Zionism. It is crucial that it also reach non-Jews. We must emphasize reaching younger segments of both populations. We must use brief videos and new media, comic books and graphic novels, trading cards, pop culture and electronic games.

Zionism is and must remain an eternal movement so that Israel can remain an eternal Jewish state with an undivided Jerusalem as its capital. For as long as there will be Jewish people, this desire and need to have a homeland; to be able to perform mitzvot that can only be done in Israel and/or when a majority of the world’s Jews live in Israel; and to have a refuge will always exist.

Zionism is more than a concept. Its ultimate fulfillment is living in Israel, and as the League of Nations declared in its Mandate for Palestine 100 years ago: that Jews participate through “close settlement of the land.” With the dedication and hard work by me and my colleagues, lay leaders, volunteers and others of good will — and, of course, G-d’s blessing — the Zionist movement and the Jewish state of Israel will continue to flourish. JE

Steve Feldman is executive director of the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the Zionist Organization of America.


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